Kurt G. Vinzenz

Born 01.01.1955, Vienna
1973 Graduation from high school.
1979 M.D., Vienna University Medical School.
1985 D.D.S., Vienna University Dental School.
1987 Specialist degree: Oral- and Maxillofacial Surgery.
1987 Private Practice for OMFS, in Vienna and Korneuburg, Austria
1988 Head of the society for head and neck surgery within the ASSO/ACO (Austrian Society for Surgical Oncology)
1990 Head: Dept for Maxillofacial Surgery, “Evangelisches Krankenhaus Wien “.
1994 Consultant for Maxillofacial Surgery, Dept. for Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Wilhelminenspital, Vienna.
1996 President of Austrian Society of Surgical Oncology (ASSO/ACO) till 1998 of the Austrian Society for Surgery (ÖGC) http://www.aco-asso.at/
1996 First description of Prefabricated complex transplants for reconstruction of facial defects together with Prof. J. Holle
1998 Associate Professor for Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Vienna.
Nomination as national delegate to the European Society for Surgical Oncology (ESSO) http://www.essoweb.org/eursso/
2000 Establishing maxillofacial distraction osteogenesis in Austria for plastic-reconstructive and orthognathic surgery
2002 Co-founder of the interdisciplinary maxillofacial unit at the department for plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Wilhelminenspital Vienna
2002 Founding president of the Society for Implantology and TissueIntegrated Prosthesis (GIGIP) 2003 associated with the Austrian Society for Surgery in an extended version. (Work groups: Craniofacial/Head and Neck, Thorax, Abdomen, Musculoskeletal System) http://gigip.org
2007 President of the international conference on the topic of „function based facial esthetics – Esthetics follows function” 15. / 16. June 2007 in Vienna
2012 Description of complex osteoplastic procedures combining bone grafting with distraction osteogenesis at the 10 – Years Anniversary of the GIGIP
2013 Description of “Restorative Surgery” providing facial aesthetics and function in reconstructive maxillofacial surgery; Plastic Surgery Hyperguide/Aesthetics
2015 International Associated Member of the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS)
Editorial Board of the J Craniofacial Surgery
2015 84 Invited international lectures
136 publications
32 Pub Med listed publications
1 Surgical Therapy of Head and Neck Cancer/ Chirurgische Therapie von Kopf-Hals-Karzinomen
Eds: Kurt Vinzenz, Hans Werner Waclawiczek, Springer Verlag Wien-New
York 1992 http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-7091-9087-6
Austrian Society for Surgery (ÖGC) http://www.chirurgie-ges.at/
Austrian Society of Surgical Oncology ASSO/ACO http://www.aco-asso.at/
Society for Implantology and TissueIntegrated Prosthesis (GIGIP) of the ÖGC http://gigip.org
International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO) http://www.iaoo.pro/en/
American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS) http://www.maxface.org/