Jose Jerome Terrence

- Editor in Chief- Journal of Hand and Microsurgery
- FRCS ( Glasgow) 2020
- ASSH international Travelling Fellow 2019
- European Diploma in Hand Surgery 2010
- Consultant and Head Department of Orthopedics, Hand & Reconstructive Microsurgery. Olympia Hospital and Research Centre
- 80 peer reviewed publications/ 2 book
- More than 200 paper presentations, 60 invited Guest lectures at various National & International platforms
- IT wing secretary, Tamilnadu Orthopedics Association
- TNOA mobile app, Website admin
- Gold medals- IOACON 2016, TNOACON 2018, 2019
- Scientific and PG teaching committee- TNOA/IOA
- Convener, Indo-Japan Hand Meet 2019.