Hiroyuki Gotani

Date of birth: 09/04/1962
Chief of service, Hand and orthopaedic trauma microsurgery center, Osaka hospital of Japan sea affairs and relief association (2015-)
Professor in chief, Advanced clinical medical engineering for microsurgery, Shizuoka science and technology university (2012-)
Clinical professor, Dept.of Orthopaedicis, postgraduate school of medicine, Osaka city university (2010-)
Osaka city university medical school -1988
Postgraduate school of medicine, Osaka city university :- 1995
Resident of Osaka city university and attavhed hospital -1995
Reconstructive surgery of upper extremity, Nancy university (Prof. M.Merle) 1996-1997
French iinstitute of the hand (Prof. A.Gilbert) -1998
Osaka city mayor prize-1995
Best scientific poster awards 2nd APFSSH -1999
Select poster awards IFFSH-2004
Leader of research grant supported by Japanesn science and technology agency (JST)
President of Annual meeting of Japanese society of reconstructive microsurgery in 2018.
Vice president of Japanese Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery(2017~)
Main interest
“Finger reconstruction”
“Hand reconstruction”
“Replantation of upper extremities”