Congress President
Prof. Alexandru Valentin GEORGESCU, M.D., PhD
Unfortunately, despite our hopes, the pandemic Covid-19 seems to continue, and travelling restrictions are still not allowing face-to-face meetings.
After actively monitoring the development of pandemic, EFSM took the difficult but necessary decision to replace its 15 face-to-face Congress with a fully on-line event, on June 24-27, 2021.
This difficult decision was taken for health and safety reasons, but with the desire to continue our commitment and allow the participants to join a very interesting scientific program and exchange their scientific expertise.
The scientific committee will try to maintain the same scientific program, depending to the participants which will be still willing to join the virtual congress.
The organizing and scientific committees of the congress sincerely thank to all involved for their understanding during these unprecedented times and are sure that your participation in the virtual congress will make it a successful one.
Even if you already attended a lot of congresses and webinars during the last year, we sincerely hope that you will accept our invitation to attend also the 15 Congress of EFSM.
We are looking forward to meeting all together on-line end of June.

President of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons
Prof. Cristian-Radu JECAN, MD, PhD FEBOPRAS
This way you have secured the front row for presentations at congresses and conferences organized in the virtual environment, you can participate in the proposed debates on various topics of interest and you have the opportunity to watch the proposed scientific program for free.

We are honored to present you the Faculty members who confirmed their participation for the on-site event
(we are constantly updating the invited speakers for the online event)